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Receive at a regular frequency Activity Summaries of your Social Profiles

Your communities live at any time of day and night, and they need a special attention. Fortunaly, Over-Graph continues to work, in real time, on the analysis of your Social Profiles. For example, we send you Activity Summaries, even if you are not connected.

Those Summaries analyze your publications, your community’s moderation and offer you statistics. They are frequently improve with new indicators.

Follow the improvement of your performances

For each Summary, you will be able to compare with the results of the previous period (1 day, 1 week or 1 month): you will have a quick access to the evolution of your performances!

Compare your performance with all users’s.

It’s hard to be aware of the effeciency of your communication on Social Profile you’re managing. That is the reason why offer you to compare your activity on networks to other users’s to help you to place you. First on quantity then quality. Our advice will more and more accurate, so useful. Unity makes strength!