
Pr. OG answers to your Social Media questions!

Dear Community Managers, for sure, you are wondering how work Social Media…

What is my average reach?

Which type of post is the best for my Pages? What about my competitors’?

Did last week’s my content generate more interactions on Facebook than the previous one, as it was rainy?

Do my male fans interact more with my content, on my 5 Pages, than female ones?

How many Facebook Pages manage one Communty Manager, on average?

Who’s the most influent of my followers? Is he influent on several of my Twitter accounts?

Fortunately, Professor Over-Graph, aka PrOG, is here to help you!
Digging in the data held in Over-Graph, he’ll take the time, between two Big Data experiments, to answer your questions!

Ask him with the hashtag #TellMePrOG!


Maïté Cesarotto